Gonzalo Borondo. Cenere

Gonzalo Borondo, Cenere


From 27 Maggio 2017 to 28 Maggio 2017

Torri in Sabina | Rieti

Place: Santuario di Vescovio

Address: Str. Santuario Vescovio 68

Times: 07pm-11.30pm

Responsibles: Carlo Vignapiano, Elena Nicolini


  • MiBACT
  • Pubblica

Ticket price: € 10 (Includes return trip ticket and welcome)

Telefono per informazioni: +39 349 763 45 23

E-Mail info: killthepigart@gmail.com

Official site: http://gonzaloborondo.com

Urban Art Residence Selci (RI)
Organized by : Kill The Pig
Cure by: Carlo Vignapiano / Co-curator: Arch. Elena Nicolini
Cultural Manager: Dario Marcucci 

…I picked up ash from that residual matter with wich the men are made, and in the ash I found the fragile sign of every life to comparison with the time. 
Because everything is ash; the life; the death; the man. 

The new project realized by Gonzalo Borondo is called CENERE. It is situated inside Pubblica, a residence of art, and it is resulted by his meticulous dedication for almost two-years that the artist he is ventured in one of the most arduous and fruitful artistic translations. 

This intimate project was born from the concrete necessety of the artist to compare himsfelf through more complex and full of contents artistic practices, considering the flow of time as one of most interesting ally of art production. Gonzalo has taken a tortous trip, full of obstacles, in which he has succedeed to express himself through the use of different languages of which he does carrier putting the painting – that it is always the principal form of art in his artistic memory – at disposal of others skills and competences of creation itself. He has invented a habitable space where art is inside every choices and where values and personal poetries are mixed in a choral costructive talent.  

This project is an enormous responsability of Borondo who shows us and admirable walk of life through art, remembering everyone, also to himself, how the creation even though is a divine competence, it is always aspiration and ambition of the man too.

We are pleased to invite you to travel with us to discover the latest work by Gonzalo Borondo made for Pubblica art residence. 
A moment in which to share the suggestions, the stimuli and the results of one of his most solemn actions. An experience that will lead us from Rome in the hidden place where the artist has spent most of his attentions for about two years and where each of us can enjoy the result of art and man.

_Meeting Place: h 7pm - Ex Dogana (parking area), Via dello Scalo di San Lorenzo,10 (RM) 
_Transportation by bus to: Str. Santuario Vescovio,68 - Torri in Sabina (RI)
_Round-trip : Departure h19:00
Return : Arrival h 11:30pm (Ex Dogana)
_The reservation is required
_Ticket Price : € 10 
(Includes return trip ticket and welcome)
_Catalogue-Object Price : € 35