Piccolo Formato 2014

Piccolo Formato 2014, martinArte - Torino


From 04 Dicembre 2014 to 19 Dicembre 2014


Place: martinArte - Turin

Address: corso Siracusa 24/a

Times: Monday 3.30-7.30pm; Tuesday and Wednesday 10am-12,30pm / 3.30-9.30pm; Thursday and Friday 10am-12.30pm / 3.30-7.30pm

Responsibles: martinArte

Ticket price: free entrance

Telefono per informazioni: +39 011 3433756

E-Mail info: paolabarbarossa@libero.it

Official site: http://www.premioceleste.it/paola.barbarossa

Eighteen artists are presenting their research by small works, which contain and give off the essence, the spontaneity, the sign and the color. It starts from the photographs in black and white of Cosimo Savina, to continue with the visions of urban and landscape Bruno Orlandoni and Luigi Coppo. Looking at the works of the poets verb visual Vitacchio Alberto and Carla Bertola go into the writing, a characteristic that is imprinted on paper, alternating colors and shapes. Etchings, woodcuts and mixed stand in the works of Lucia Caprioglio and Mauro Lisardi, while the particular use watercolor and watercolor pencils describe the actions of Eugenio Gili and Sergio Vasco. The installation is rather the prerogative of the work of Claudio Vindigni. In the search for Mariella Bogliacino matter emerges pregnant on the canvas, pervaded by a strong symbolism, while interventions in tempera on paper by Mariella They transpose the preponderance of the sign. The survey pictorial compositions is conducted with the technique of oil on canvas or board by Gloria Fava, Michelangelo Cambursano and Paola Barbarossa. Fernando Monta 'and Marco D'Aponte emphasize the image of personal research with the technique of acrylic on wood and canvas. Finally Martina Barrottu exposes delicate paintings on ceramics.
November 2014, Team martinArte

Alberto Vitacchio, Bruno Orlandoni, Carla Bertola, Claudio Vindigni, Cosimo Savina, Eugenio Gili, Fernando Montà, Gloria Fava, Lucia Caprioglio, Luigi Coppo, Marco D’Aponte, Mariella Bogliacino, Mariella Loro, Martina Barrottu, Mauro Lisardi, Michelangelo Cambursano, Paola Barbarossa, Sergio Vasco.