Magister Canova

Magister Canova's room dedicated to the creative process of Antonio Canova | Courtesy of Cose Belle d’Italia Media Entertainment


From 16 Giugno 2018 to 22 Novembre 2018


Place: Scuola Grande della Misericordia

Address: Sestiere Cannaregio 3599

Times: Mon / Tue / Wed / Fri / Sun 10.30 am - 6.30 pm | Thu / Sat 10.30 am - 9.30 pm

Responsibles: Mario Guderzo, Giuliano Pisani


  • In collaborazione con la Fondazione Canova Gypsotheca e Museo Antonio Canova di Possagno

Ticket price: Full 14 € | Reduced 12 € | Free under 8 yrs.

Telefono per prevendita: 892101

Telefono per informazioni: +39 041 2424

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Official site:

In Venice, Canova. In a journey that immerses visitors in the genesis of the creative process of the famous Venetian sculptor, the greatest interpreter of Neoclassicism. In an exhibition where spectacle and investigation, enjoyment and knowledge are perfectly calibrated and blended.
Magister Canova, the second act of the trilogy of exhibitions conceived andrealised by Cose Belle d’Italia Media Entertainment, is announced by President Stefano Vegni. As already happened for the previous exhibition devoted to Giotto, Magister Canova, which is presented in collaboration with the Fondazione Canova Gypsotheca and Museo Antonio Canova of Possagno, will be hosted in the magnificent rooms of the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice from 16 June to 22 November 2018.
“Here a spectacular multimedia itinerary awaits visitors, familiarising them with all the phases and aspects of Canova’s life and works. In Magister Canova - affirms Renato Saporito, Managing Director and Creative Supervisor of the project - the absolute scientific rigour of the story told is combined with a skilful direction with recourse to a plurality of languages. Proposing an itinerary of narration ranging from the micro to the macro, from the butterfly of Cupid and Psyche to the giant Hercules throwing Lichas, passing from dance to the timeless beauty of Paolina Borghese”.
The exhibition is completed with important “rooms” devoted to particular investigation topics. Such as the one reserved for the original drawings of anatomical subjects conserved by the Library of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità. Or for the illustration of the creative process developed by Antonio Canova, a process that revolutionized the subsequent history of European sculpture.
To welcome guests, on the ground floor of the Scuola Grande della Misericordia there will be a monumental site-specific installation by Fabrizio Plessi, a magnificent “homage” to the great Canova, a work intended to symbolize a journey into the mind of the artist.
After the immersion in the colors and shapes of the work by Fabrizio Plessi, the visit to the exhibition continues on the upper floor, where the space is characterized by an enormous block of marble,white as the one from Carrara, realized in textile architecture.
In this space, which establishes a powerful architectural dialogue with the room of the Scuola Grande della Misericordia, various investigation areas have been laid out to enable the public to explore the entire life and works of Canova, thanks to an itinerary that is both intimate and spectacular at the same time.
Accompanying guests step-by-step will be the voice of narrator Adriano Giannini, who is also called upon to read some of the letters written by the young Canova. The original soundtrack is entrusted to the cello of Giovanni Sollima.
The exhibition is curated by Mario Guderzo, Director of the Museum Gypsotheca Antonio Canova of Possagno, Member of the Committee for the National Edition of the Works of Antonio Canova and of the Scientific Committee of the CAM (Catalogue of Italian Modern Art) and by Giuliano Pisani, classical philologist and art historian, and Accademico Galileiano, Member of the Committee of  Guarantors for the Promotion of Classical Culture of the MIUR.
The contents are entrusted to the Scientific Committee composed of Giuseppe Pavanello, Full Professor of History of Modern Art at the University of Trieste, member of the Committee for the National Edition of the Works of Antonio Canova, of the Institute of Research on Canova and Neoclassicism of Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) and of the Scientific Council of the Fondazione Canova of Possagno (Treviso), Steffi Roettgen, Emeritus Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Johannes Myssok, Vice Chancellor of the Kunstakademie of Düsseldorf, and Andrea Bellieni, Curator of the Museo Correr of Venice and Board Member of the Fondazione Musei Civici Veneziani. The artistic direction is by Maestro Luca Mazzieri, author and art film director, in collaboration with Alessandra Costantini, architect and designer.
Cose Belle d’Italia Media Entertainment is a company allied to the Gruppo Cose Belle d’Italia that came about to extend the offer of creation of contents through the production of formats conceived, created, managed and distributed on the Italian market and at international level with an ethical and cultural approach to communicating and generating wealth.
The Magister format also falls within this philosophy; after Magister Giotto (2017) and Magister Canova (2018), in 2019 it will present Magister Raffaello to complete the trilogy devoted to the universal masters of the history of art. In this contemporary format of touring exhibitions conceived and produced by Cose Belle d’Italia Media Entertainment, the scientific rigour, quality and power of the details also allow younger visitors to immerse themselves in the lives artworks of the great masters of art in an extraordinary opportunity for knowledge and entertainment.
HOURS: Mon / Tue / Wed / Fri / Sun 10.30 am - 6.30 pm | Thu / Sat 10.30 am - 9.30 pm