Bronze Door

Appia Antica, Aventino, Ostiense

Bronze Door
Realizzata in oricalco (preziosa lega di rame, zinco e piombo), si compone di 54 formelle raffiguranti le Storie dell’Antico e del Nuovo Testamento. Fu importata da Costantinopoli su commissione dell’arcidiacono Ildebrando di Soana, futuro papa Gregorio VII (1073-85). Originariamente era la porta centrale della basilica. Pesantemente danneggiata dall’incendio del 1823, fu rimontata negli anni Sessanta del Novecento come parte interna della Porta Santa.

Actually made of orichalcum (a mix of copper, zinc and lead), and made up of 54 panels depicting Stories from the Old and New Testament. It was commissioned by Archdeacon Ildebrando di Soana, future Pope Gregory VII (1073-85) and imported from Constantinople. The double doors once were the central door of the medieval basilica. After damage caused by the fire of 1823, it was remounted between 1965 and 1966 on the right as the interior of the Porta Sancta.
THINGS TO KNOW: The door was paid for by the the rich merchant from Amalfi Pantaleone di Mauro, who is shown in one of the panels kneeling before Saint Paul.