Nuragic colossi from Monte Prama are back

The Giants return to Cabras

Un Gigante proveniente da Monte Prama

E. Bramati


Oristano - Six huge Nuragic statues found in Monte Prama, in the sardinian farmland near Cabras, have just came back to the Museo Civico in the lagoon town.

The stone sculptures date back to a period between the 11th and the 8th century B.C. and depict warriors, archers and boxers standing over 2-2.5 meters high. A farmer discovered them by chance more than 40 years ago, in March 1974.
Thousands of fragments emerged at that time were patiently reassembled, shaping various giants. Four of them are already on display in the museum, while others are at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Cagliari.

A double exhibition will be set up in Cabras and in the sardinian capital on March 22nd and 23rd, 2014, on the occasion of the Giornate FAI di Primavera. A large interactive touch screen will be installed in both venues, allowing visitors to examine the Giants from a closer perspective with 3D technologies.



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