It was digitized in 3D

The Sarcophagus of the Spouses and new frontiers of cultural heritage

Sarcofago degli Sposi

E. Bramati


Rome - The Sarcophagus of the Spouses, one of the most important findings of the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome, could be admired in 3D in the future .
A new project created by the team of researchers from the Kessler Foundation of Trento, CNR-ITABC, the CNR-Isti and the University of Bologna, and coordinated by the Consortium CINECA, was recently presented.

Thanks to elaborate photographic and photogrammetric techniques, more than 500 high-resolution images were taken, creating together a digitized replica of the sarcophagus.

The initiative, announced in May, 2013, is part of a broader plan of collaboration with the Museum of the History of Bologna - Genus Bononiae, and next fall will lead to the exposition "The Etruscans and the Hereafter. The journey after life between masterpieces and virtual reality", held in Bologna.

The digital reconstruction of the life-size terracotta sarcophagus dating back to 520 BC, will be included for the first time in a highly immersive environment, with "3D mapping" projections and along with a soundtrack composed by Marco Robino.