Sinagoga Nuova
Trastevere, Gianicolo, Testaccio

- Location: Sinagoga Nuova
- Address: Lungotevere De Cenci
- E-Ticketing WWW:
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: 06 68400624
- Booking E-Mail:
- Price: full 10 € - reduced 7,50 €
- Transportation: Bus: lines 63, 630, 23 271, 280, 780
- Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
- Services:
Known by the name Tempio Maggiore, it is one of the biggest synagogues of Europe and was built by Osvaldo Armanni and Vincenzo Costa between 1899 and 1904 in place of the ancient Cinque Schole. The location was specifically chosen by the jewish community because it is in between the two symbols of its liberty after Italian Unity: Campidoglio and the nearby monument to Vittorio Emanuele II on one side and the Gianicolo with the monument to Garibaldi on the other. Not having a specific architectural tradition to draw upon, the two architects opted for an eclectic style influenced by assyrian-babylonian styles. Today, the synagogue is also home to the Museum of the Jewish Community of Rome.