Found by a researcher, they were on display in La Spezia

Fanzago's stolen bronzes head back to the Museum of Capodimonte

Virtù, Cosimo Fanzago, 1620-1621



Naples - After finding the head of the sphinx that belonged the statue of god Nilus in Largo Corpo di Napoli, the Carabinieri unit in Naples throw light on a new case.
Three of the sixteen original "Virtues" from the ciborium of Santa Patrizia were recovered thanks to the researcher Paola D'Agostino, curator at the Yale University Art Gallery, who reported them.

Four of these small bronzes, a work by the 17th century architect and sculptor Cosimo Fanzago, were looted in the '70s from the Church of the saint. Through the years, they reached the City Museum in La Spezia because of a generous bequest of an art collector. They were accidentally discovered by the curator here in 2013, while she was working on a research project.

The existence of images and documentary evidence of the state of the ciborium before the theft were crucial for the identification of the statues, that were returned to the Museum of Capodimonte few days ago and placed in their original site.