In Venice on May 4th, 2014

Digital invaders plan "attack" to Querini Stampalia Foundation

Vincenzo Catena, Giuditta, 1520-30 ca, olio su tavola, Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia. Courtesy of © Fondazione Querini Stampalia.

E. Bramati


Venice - "Click and Share" and "identify, invade, share", these are the mottos of INVASIONI DIGITALI, which will get to the Fondazione/Museo Querini Stampalia on May 4th, 2014, from 11am to 1pm.

Thousands "Digital invasions" will take over more than 400 artistic and cultural places in Italy between April 24th and May 4th. The project aims at involving directly cultural institutions and visitors, making the latter aware and promoting the former, creating an interactive exchange supported by new technologies.

The institutions will have to engage in the game and be peacefully "invaded", i.e. visited, in an experience that will not be a mere frontal observation, but an active and interactive involvement of both parts.
This will turn the passive visitor into an active protagonist, which will be encouraged to discover and participate. On the other hand, the institution will increase and customize the appeal of its cultural offer, even at the educational, creative and promotional level.

Querini's invaders will be provided with a free access to the Palazzo and its rooms: the History Museum, the Scarpa area (including the temporary exhibition of Haris Epaminonda), the garden and the Library. Participants will have free access within specific hours and, following the usual itinerary, will reach the bookshop. Here, after registering, they will receive a free ticket, a photographic pass and a brochure containing the rules of the invasion.
The hashtag selected for this event, besides the official ones (#invasionidigitali or #digitalinvasions @invasionidigita), is #InvadilaQuerini (Italian and English version).



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