Basilica of St. John Lateran
San Giovanni, Esquilino, Monti

È una delle quattro basiliche patriarcali di Roma nonché cattedrale della città e per questo sede ecclesiastica ufficiale del vescovo di Roma. In questa zona, sorgeva anticamente una dimora di proprietà della nobile famiglia dei Laterani.
- Artist: Francesco Borromini
- Location: Basilica of St. John Lateran
- Date: 313 - 1732
- Address: Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: +39 06 69886433
- Opening: Every day from 7 am to 6:30 pm
- Transportation: Metro: A, San Giovanni station | Bus: lines 16, 81, 85, 87, 117, 186, 218, 571, 650, 665, 792 |Tram: line 3
- Visit lasts: 1 hour (about)
- Services:
It is one of the patriarchal basilicas of Rome as well as the city's cathedral and for this reason it is the offical ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome. It is the oldest basilica in the West (313-318), built by Emperor Constantine after the Edict of Milan that liberalized Christianity (313).
THINGS TO KNOW: The solemn facade (1732-35) by Alessandro Galilei is of pilasters and columns in the so-called “ordine colossale” or “giant order”. The interior with five aisles is the result of work done by Borromini for the Jubilee of 1650. Excavations (1877-78 and 1934-38) uncovered roman ruins including the barracks of the Emperor's cavalry (these may be visited by special request).