Villa della Regina
Borgo Po

- Location: Villa della Regina
- Address: Strada Santa Margherita 79
- E-Mail:
- Phone#: +39 011 8194484
- Opening: From March 1st to November 30
From Tuesady to Sunday 10am - 5pm
Mondays closed
From December 1st 2016 to February 28 2017
From Tuesady to Sunday 10am - 4pm
Mondays closed - Price: Full ticket € 5,00, reduced € 2,50
Free entrance the first Sunday of each month - Transportation: Stops 1421 and 1422 Villa Regina Ovest: lines 53, 56, 66.
The compound dates back to the early 1600s and was built by Ascanio Vitozzi on the hill of Turin as commissioned by cardinal Maurizio di Savoia. The name comes from Anne of Orléans, wife of king Victor Amadeus II, who received it as devise in 1692. The sovereign asked Filippo Juvarra to make a number of structural and decorative works and, together with a crew of painters, carvers and decorators, he expanded this vacation residence with halls, Italian-style gardens, grottos and water features. Inside, you can admire the scenic designs by Giuseppe Dallamano and paintings by Corrado Giaquinto and Gian Battista Crosato. After decades of semi-abandon it was re-opened in 2006.