The Last Supper
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore
The large panel depicts the theme of divine food in an extraordinary display of light and angels. Manna and, now, the eucharist is depicted according to the new decree of the triad with Christ communicating only with bread, not with wine. Only Judas, in the upper section of the panel, asks for both, identifying himself as a heretic.

Works in Italy
Church of Madonna dell’Orto
Il Giudizio Universale / Musing Mary / La piscina probatica / The Last Supper / The Miracle of the Slave / Crocifissione / Sant’Orsola e le sue Compagne / Invenzione della Croce / The Last Supper / Last Supper / The Four Evangelists / Wedding at Cana / Portrait of Prosecutor Nicolò Priuli / Paradise
Works around the world